
Podcast: What do snowplows in Michigan and drought in Maine have in common?

Dec 21, 2016 | Anne's Blog

Last month, I had the pleasure of chatting with Dave Negri on his Contractor’s Secret Weapon podcast.

Dave has been a painting contractor and entrepreneur for the last 25 years, successfully starting and growing service-based businesses. Through hard work and marketing knowledge, Dave has stepped out of the day-to-day operations of this business to focus on helping other contractors grow their businesses and succeed as he has.

His podcast is meeting a huge need in providing resources and tools to that end. As you might have guessed, I was on the show to talk about profit leaks. I make it my focus to help people find those leaks by looking everywhere – revenues, expenses, and time efficiencies. As we talked about how to plug up those leaks, we discovered that we share a passion for helping self-employed, service-oriented people (like contractors, artists, and designers) shift from being the hands-on workers to being the business owners. For example, a contractor might find he is skilled at swinging a hammer. He has ideas brewing within and decides he wants to launch out on his own. That can be a tough transition for a lot of entrepreneurs – because they love swinging a hammer, not necessarily keeping the books! That gap is exactly the place in which I love to stand!

We covered a lot of ground in 30-minutes – everything from snowplowing to backyard ice rinks to droughts. Listen for yourself at: