Remember that business Cash Forecast we created together last month? That was...
Anne’s Blog
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3 Tools That Could Tell the Future
Last October I shared some tips about cleaning up your Profit & Loss...
The ‘B’ stands for Bronchitis…
I know… it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me. Usually, entrepreneurs...
Ready for a re-set?
It seems that the business owners and entrepreneurs I talk with regularly feel...
Have you looked back yet this year?
It’s November – a good time to look back at the year to date and recognize the...
Does Your Profit and Loss Statement Make You Go Cross-eyed?
I want to talk today about your profit and loss statement. (Oh crap, did I...
Deciding when to spend…..or not
You know what they say: it takes money to make money. Sure — but when you run...
Sometimes the best solution is counterintuitive
Recently when I returned home from a trip, it was still 60 degrees outside on...
August Musings – Cash and Random Thoughts
Musing #1: It’s August here at my desk today. For many, often a month filled...
How to Create a Cash Forecast Fast and Why it Matters
How to Create a Cash Forecast Fast and Why it Matters Cash is king in a...